Teaching Past Tenses

  Lexis TESOL Training Centres’ CELTA trainees got down to some peer teaching of past tenses this weekend at our Sunshine Coast campus. Trainees were given various past structures to analyse and then present to their colleagues. They even got to take advantage of the lovely sunny weather and prepare out on the balcony! The…


Teaching Listening

Our Sunshine Coast TESOL candidates started off today with a session on teaching listening, where they looked at the crucial elements of a successful listening lesson. The trainee teachers experienced a demo listening lesson which consisted of: A lead in – to set the context and raise interest Pre teaching vocabulary – to identify possible…


CELTA Week 2

Week two saw our CELTA trainees delve deeper into the world of TESOL at LTTC’s Sunshine Coast campus. Today’s sessions included Presenting Language, Teaching Reading, Analysing Lexis, and Checking Understanding. Presenting Language gave the trainees a look at the various ways in which grammar and vocabulary can be introduced to students in an engaging and…


Checking Understanding

In their Checking Understanding session LTTC’s CELTA trainees got to try their hand at using timelines to illustrate different grammatical tenses. The trainees worked individually and in pairs to clearly illustrate the points they were making. Everyone had a turn and the results were great!