Lexis TESOL Training Centres CELTA Courses

Lexis TESOL CELTA Course Early Bird

Cambridge CELTA Early Bird Discount

Cambridge CELTA Early Bird Discount – Get 10% OFF. Demand for English teachers internationally has never been higher than during this post COVID period, with most of our graduates having multiple job offers in place before completing the course. Get your Cambridge CELTA Certification from Lexis TESOL Centers taking advantage of our current Early Bird Discount – Get 10% OFF.

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Do your Cambridge CELTA Now!

Why this might be the best time ever to do your Cambridge CELTA Remember that time the whole world shut down for two years for that global pandemic?No, me either. It already seems like a dream. The hangover from years of border closures is still keenly felt in the international education sector, though. From Byron…

End of week two

It’s been a busy two weeks for our July CELTA trainees but they are now halfway through their course. This is the view from LTTC headquarters as they left today. Next week they will be swapping levels and getting to know a whole new bunch of students. Enjoy your weekend guys, try not to work…

Hands on experience

Our CELTA trainees got involved in some activities with the students during their morning classes this week. It was great to see them relate to the students and get actively involved in the learning process. Keep up the hard work guys – almost half way there!

Authentic Materials

Week 2 of CELTA is well under way and LTTC’s trainees are in the thick of it. On Tuesday we looked at using authentic materials in the classroom. There was a focus on the benefits and drawbacks as well as lots of practical techniques on how to incorporate them into lessons. The main picture shows…