Courses at Lexis TESOL Training Centres

Cambridge CELTA Course

The Cambridge CELTA course is designed for individuals who are motivated and ready to learn from a variety of backgrounds. Teaching experience is not necessary, but a good command of both spoken and written English is essential to cope with the demands of the course. Participants must be open to new ideas and techniques while also being reflective and supportive. It is crucial that trainees are committed to functioning as a team.

Teaching English Skills – Secondary & Adult

The LTTC Teaching English Skills – Secondary and Adult courses are designed for busy teachers looking to improve specific aspects of their teaching practice. Building on Cambridge accredited online programs; our six Teaching English Skills courses combine online learning, workshops and practical tasks to help bring communicative, four-skills based teaching techniques to your classroom.

Teaching English Skills – Primary

The LTTC Teaching English Skills – Primary courses are designed to maximise the communicative teaching skills needed for teachers within the primary English classroom. Building on Cambridge accredited online programs, the Teaching English Skills – Primary courses combine online learning, workshops and practical tasks to help bring communicative, four-skills based teaching techniques to your classroom.